You are so perfect

It is nice to finally write about something other than books or the other things I write about here.

A few weeks ago, I got a text from a friend which read; You are so perfect.

I stared at it for the longest time and it got me thinking. Why would someone say this to me, is it to make me feel good? 

I don't think so. I know what a  'make you feel good' text looks like, I get that a lot but this is different. Perfection is such a strong word to be likened to something as shallow as that. 

When something is perfect, it means it has no flaws. The exact opposite of what my life felt like on the day I got that text. I am not perfect, I have never been and I don't think I ever will if we are going by this definition. In fact, nine out of ten times, I am ninety-eight percent flawed. This is one of the reasons I tend to read a lot. I read to escape my reality, I read because my life is boring and I just want to get lost in someone else's reality even if that reality is fiction. I love to write too, I tend to get all these amazing ideas in my head and the only way to let them out is by writing them down and most times, when I reread what I have penned down, they tend to not be as great as they sounded in my head. This included.

If someone is perfect, it means the person is put together, organized, etc. I am not the most organized person in the world, if you have lived with me, you would understand what I mean. When I say organized, I don't just mean physically organized, most times, my thoughts are a mess, another reason I scribble things down a lot. My sleep pattern, eating habits and sometimes even my choice of outfits are a mess.

From all these, you can tell that I am far from perfect, which leads us back to the original question; why would someone call me perfect.

I once wrote a poem titled, perfection isn't needed for life to be beautiful. I never posted that poem because I felt it was incomplete, instead, I took bits and pieces from it and was able to write a new poem which I titled we are children. I even got my friend to read it out.

It is ironic, I wrote an imperfect poem on perfection. This experience has taught me that as humans, perfection isn't necessarily a flawless life or a life with a ten-year set goal, etc. Perfection is simply you being beautiful in who you are. You are perfect the way you are.

This recent understanding made me appreciate that text even more. This person saw and understood something in me that I didn't realize I possessed until now and I am grateful for that. 

I learn and unlearn every day. I recently shared a post on Instagram where I wrote about how I recently got to understand what my true source of inspiration is.

If you are still reading this, thank you and I hope this inspires you not only to see yourself as beautiful and perfect but also to be open to new discoveries about yourself. Life is a journey and I hope to discover all that I can about myself before it comes to an end. You should too. 


  1. This is beautiful Janna. I enjoyed reading this and you have a beautiful mind when it comes to writing. You are doing well.

  2. No this, this is just beautiful. I loved it!!!! Jana is a great writer!!


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