Love me with lies - Tarryn fisher

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. So today, I’m going to talk about love me with lies series by Tarryn Fisher.

There are 3 books in this series
Book 1- The opportunist
Book 2 - Dirty red
Book 3 - Thief

So, I’ll start with book one.

The opportunist

I loved every single word, I loved the story line but at the same time, I was frustrated. This book taught me a lot of things specifically about love and I’d be sharing a few here.

The first is this, you can’t give something you do not have. You can’t practice what you do not know.
How do you expect to love someone when you do not know what love is, when you can’t explain what love is, when you are not sure if you love yourself.

Secondly, letting someone you love go does not mean you stopped loving them, goodbye sometimes might not be the end of love.
No matter how hard you try, love isn’t just something that goes away.
Sometimes leaving the one you love might be the best decision you’d ever make for yourself and for the other person.


Let’s move to book two

Dirty red

Firstly, I want us to know that obsession is a deadly weapon.
Don’t try to keep a loved one by manipulating his/her emotions. It might work for a while, but in the end, it will come crashing down on you.

In the epilogue of this book, Tarryn Fisher talks about hate.

In Tarryn Fishers words;
Hate is a prodigious feeling. It’s hot and oppressive like fire. It starts by burning through your God-given reason until there is nothing left of it but a mound of ash. It moves on to your humanity next, hot tongue flickering across the few remaining threads of innocence until they melt into each other and morph into something ugly. Then, in the rubble of what you were, hate plants a seed of bitterness. The seed grows to a vine, and the vine chokes at what it touches.

Hate is a powerful emotion. Like I’ve always said, emotions are useful deceit and tactic to man. Your emotions can manipulate you and force you to do something you ordinarily would not do.

Finally, Book 3


Tarryn began this book by describing what love is and what love is not.

In her words

Love is patient, love is kind,
Love does not boast or brag,
There is no arrogance in love,
It’s never rude, crude or indecent, it’s not self absorbed,
Love isn’t easily upset,
Love doesn’t tally wrongs,
Love trusts, hopes and endures no matter what,
Love will never become obsolete.

One very important lesson I learned from this book is that there are consequences for every actions, whether it good or bad.

In conclusion, there are no set rules in life. Someone you love and cherish so much can cause you the worst kind of pain, that person break you over and over and sometimes, you might never heal from that pain.
Yes, life can be really cruel, but what matters is this, are you going to let the cruelness of life dictate how you’d live your life?
I’ll leave you to answer this question.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I’ll rate this series 9.

Yes, it’s that good, it’s a very good book and I totally recommend it.

Before I leave, what book would you like me to talk about, feel free to drop them in the comment section๐Ÿ˜Š.

See you soon๐Ÿ’•. 


  1. Short and simple. Gives an idea of the book without adding spoilers. I'd probably check out the book soon.Looking forward to your next post. Good job๐Ÿ‘

  2. Thank you so much! you should definitely check it out.

  3. Jannie you are doing great, I am glad to be here


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