Beloved - Toni Morrison
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Beloved is a literary fiction with supernatural themes. It is a story of a runaway slave; Sethe who would rather kill her children than watch them return back to slavery. She succeeds in killing her first child Beloved. Years later, the ghost of Beloved comes back to live with her and her daughter Denver.
Beloved talks about the realities of slavery and the impact of these on the individuals years after slavery. It also reveals the sad stories of women brought into slavery. Some of these women would get pregnant, give birth but their child would not belong to them, instead, the child would belong to their owners. It was really bad, these women could not even breastfeed their own children because they had to return to work.
Beloved is told in multiple views. Each character is given an opportunity to narrative their own story. We find out how slavery and the decisions taken after they were able to escape affected their lives.
Some chapters in this book are quite confusing, I was not sure if what i was reading is the characters reality or her imaginations. I had to stop and think for a second if what is being said is actually happening to this person or not. It was interesting but also frustrating.
Another thing I did not really like is that I was not able to connect with any of the characters, I was not able to feel their pain, it was like I was watching the story rather than feeling the story. It is weird because I tend to connect with most fictional characters when ever i read a book. This was new to me.
Toni Morrison’s writing style is unique. She is very good. I gave this book four out of five stars because I was not able to establish a connection with the characters. I don’t know if it is just me or if it is general.
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