The smart money woman and The smart money tribe - Arese Ugwu.
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I will be reviewing the smart money woman and the smart money tribe. You can purchase both books from rovingheights with the link below.
The smart money woman is the first book and it was published in 2016, while the smart money tribe is the second book and it was published in 2019.
The first book focuses mainly on Zuri and her journey to financial freedom. We watch Zuri progress from being broke to being intentional about her finances and how the people around her influences her financial decisions.
A lot of things were pointed out in this book; different investments plans, turning your network into your net worth, knowing what your bring to the table and how to leverage on it. The author also talks about putting yourself out there.
The second book; the smart money tribe focuses on the friendship and being intentional about each others financial growth. Whether you like it or not, the people in your close circle goes a long way in influencing your financial decision.
We see these five ladies, Zuri, Adeswua, Lara, Tami and Ladun struggle with their finances and eventually, overcomes these struggle.
Adeswua: We see a brilliant lawyer who is very good at what she does, makes a decent income but when it comes to her marriage, she is weak. She is more worried about her reputation and what people would say than her actual happiness. We watch her overcome this aspect of her life.
Tami: Tami is a fashion designer who never has to worry about money, thanks to her Daddy and her rich boyfriends. However all these changes when her daddy decides to stop investing in her business. Tami is forced to either give up fashion or turn her hubby into a profitable business.
Ladun: A rich housewife transforms into a working class lady after the death of her father in law. She struggles at first and finds it difficult to adapt. Thanks to her friends, she is able to know her value and leverage on that.
Lara: Lara is my favorite character. She is always there for everyone and I love how she tells her friends the truth about their situations even when it is unpleasant to hear. We watch Lara go from becoming the one with the highest income in the group, to struggling with her finances when her mother dies and she looses her job. Despite her savings, she is still broke.
One thing I learned from Lara’s character is that it is one thing to save for the purpose of saving, it is another thing to be intentional about your savings.
Zuri: A lot of Zuri’s financial struggles is seen in book one but in book two, we also see how she is sometimes struggles to make good decision about her financials despite being broke once.
Tsola: Tsola is boyfriend goals 😂.
The writing style is amazing and I loved book two in particular because I was able to connect with each character.
In conclusion, I really enjoyed this book, I call it my financial workbook, meaning it is something I will definitely read again and again. As you can tell, I gave it five out of five stars and I highly recommend this book, everybody should read it.
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