Such a fun age - Kiley Reid

You can purchase Such a fun age from Rovingheights with the link above.

Such a fun age is an adult fiction that focuses around three characters, Emira, Alix and Kelley. Emira works as a babysitter for Alix while Kelley is Emira’s boyfriend. The book opens with Emira taking Briar (Alix’s daughter) to a late night grocery store where she is being harassed and accused of kidnapping. Kelley witnesses this event and records it on his phone, this eventually leads to Kelley meeting Emira. The story spins off from there.

Emira is black, Alix and Kelley are both white people that feel they need to be nice to black people to get validation or something (that’s how I interpreted their actions).

It is written in the third person narrative and it addresses race, class, privilege and micro aggression. I saw Queenie in this book. The scene where she is trying to find herself, how she manages interracial relationships and the influences of her friends in her decision making.

Here is the link to read my review on Queenie by Candice carty williams.

There are no good or bad characters in this book, everyone is just trying to do what is best or rather what they think is best for themselves and for others and by others I mean Emira.

According to Kiley Reid in one of her interviews, three things inspired this book

1) Awkward moments

2) Money

3) Memory

Awkward moments: There are a lot of Awkward moments in this book, especially between Emira and Alix.

Money: Emira is broke and is just trying to survive. When she was being accused of kidnapping by some police officers, her words were “I am making money right now and I bet I am making more than you”.

Memory: People tend to say things the way they remember it. This aspect is seen in the way Alix and kelley narrates their story.

In conclusion, it is an easy read and it has a strong message in it. If you enjoyed Queenie  then you will really like this book. I give it 3 out of 5 stars because I figured out where the story was headed half way through the book. The suspense was not intense. Regardless, it is a good book and I would recommend it.



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